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Semiconductor laser

The semiconductor industry belongs to the electronic information industry, and the application of laser technology and processing technology in the semiconductor industry has effectively promoted the development of the semiconductor industry. Lasers can be used in the semiconductor industry for laser debonding, wafer laser Dicing, laser annealing, laser marking, laser Flip Chip, and PLP Laser Repair.

The main application of ultraviolet diode pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers in the semiconductor industry is LED wafer dicing. DPSS laser systems are widely used in fields such as micromachining, surface treatment and material processing. DPSS lasers can process sapphire, silicon wafers, III-V semiconductors, III nitrides, ceramics, plastics, and metal materials.

The applications of excimer lasers in the semiconductor industry are mainly 2D pattern forming, 3D micromachining, MEMS micromachining, LED laser stripping, ultraviolet laser lithography and TFT flat panel laser annealing.

Fiber lasers and DPSS lasers are mainly used in the semiconductor industry for thin-film solar cell dicing.

Laser provides effective solutions for the semiconductor industry, and the application of lasers in the semiconductor industry will effectively improve the production quality and output of the semiconductor industry.

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